The summary of IndoQCT features is shown in Figure 1. Basically, the features in IndoQCT are divided into two categories, namely main and additional features.
In accordance with IndoQCT’s initial vision, the main features presented are the automation of CT image quality measurements on various types of phantoms using a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). In version 22a, the covered phantoms are as follows:
In addition to commercial phantoms already on the market and factory default phantoms, IndoQCT can also generate synthetic images using a computational approach. We call this as a computational phantom. This phantom is useful for educational purposes.
The image quality parameters presented in the main features of IndoQCT include parameters that are already known and standardized by many international agencies, as well as those that are still relatively new, as follows:
In addition to phantom image quality, IndoQCT has included several patient image quality parameters that can be tested, which include the following:
In addition to the main features, IndoQCT has additional features that are useful for activities other than quality control, which are as follows:
In order to provide convenience for users and practitioners, IndoQCT includes the following features: